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Уважаемые подписчики и посетители нашего портала!
В самое ближайшие время Мы планируем перейти на новые формы работы с нашими подписчиками.

Рекомендуем вам незамедлительно активировать свою подписку , указав в форме ваше имя и электронный адрес. Рассылки общего контента через FeedBurner останутся без изменений.
Dear subscribers and visitors of our page!

In the very near future, we plan to switch to new forms of work with our subscribers.
In order to limit automatic scraping and unauthorized copying of posted content, we plan to switch to creating protected articles that will be opened using special activation codes that you can only receive by email.
We recommend that you immediately activate your subscription by entering your name and email address on the form. Distribution of general content via FeedBurner will remain unchanged.
Dear subscribers and visitors of our page!

In the very near future, we plan to switch to new forms of work with our subscribers.
In order to limit automatic scraping and unauthorized copying of posted content, we plan to switch to creating protected articles that will be opened using special activation codes that you can only receive by email.
We recommend that you immediately activate your subscription by entering your name and email address on the form. Distribution of general content via FeedBurner will remain unchanged.